The African Philosophical Concept Of Maat


Ma'at is the female cosmic principle or Netcheret that is the foundation from which all things were brought into existence. For before you bring something into being you must have a foundation for that thing to stand on. Her name literally means “that which is straight.” or “straight path”.  

The seven principles of Ma’at are: Truth, Justice, Harmony, Reciprocity, Balance, Order and Correctness. Since the people of Kemet or Kemetyu strived to align themselves with the principles of the cosmos it was imperative that they became Ma’at-like in their minds and souls. Being that they were/are pre-dominantly right-brained and had incorporated a balance of both hemispheres of the brain (left hemisphere separating and logistical and right hemisphere creative and abstract) they used visual concepts derived from nature to connect with nature. This is why the writings on the walls were more in picture form to be able to directly convey ideas and concepts. Keep in mind that our ancestors paid homage to all the principles of the universe and knew how to activate these dormant abilities in themselves. Western thought does not teach this concept of thought and most of their principles are in opposition to nature in an attempt to conquer it.

Ma’at was seen as a beautiful woman with outstretched wings and an ostrich feather sticking out her headband. She was also the daughter of Ra, which is the expression of energy of that makes the Sun give off heat to help sustain life on this planet. The feather played a crucial role in the weighing of the heart ceremony in the Halls of Ma’at. 

After someone made their transition from this world, their heart had to uplift or be as the same weight of the feather. This could be seen as making sure one’s heart does not get weighed down by the ego producing emotions such as jealously, guilt and envy. In order to rise in consciousness one cannot carry things in their heart that weigh it down.

In the boat of Ra which symbolizes the constant creation of things coming into being, Ma’at is at the front of the boat making sure that the waves of Nu, the cosmic ocean of consciousness, are in balance in order for the trip to be possible.