What Is American Beauty?

By Damion Boycott

We happen to live in a country where a large majority of the people are of European ancestry. These European descendants control everything we see in the media, movies, newspapers, advertisements and much more. Therefore, as African people we get everything through a European filter. As a result of getting everything through a European filter we are over exposed to the European standard of beauty, which for the most part is white women with long hair or white men with a prominent jaw line.

If a person of color sees these images from the time they are small children, they begin to buy into the idea that white people look better than they do. The European standard of beauty is celebrated everyday in American society. This is particularly damaging to young black girls. Females are very image conscious from the time they are little children. We don't realize how much of a negative impact television and magazines can have on young black girls. As African people we buy into the stereotype that Europeans are more attractive than people of color.

The idea that white people look better than people of color is a serious psychological issue that black people grapple with every single day. The American media sells the idea to us 24 hours a day, and 95% of African American people buy into it. We have ultimately been sold a bill of goods. These images enforce the idea of white supremacy and black inferiority.

Any person of color believing that Europeans are more physically attractive suffer from what is known as Conceptual Incarceration. This means that they are mentally incarcerated by European ideas and European concepts. This term, Conceptual Incarceration was coined by noted African American Psychologist Dr. Wade Nobles. This concept is one of the key issues that African Americans struggle with.

The May issue of Lucky magazine is a perfect example of how the European standard of beauty is imposed upon us everyday. The cover features the head shot of a white woman with a title that reads "This Is American Beauty". Lucky magazine would never put a picture of a black woman on their cover and hold her up as an American beauty. This is one example that people of color are being over exposed to white cultural dominance.

This is exactly the sort of thing that contributes to low self esteem in African Americans especially young black girls. This glorification of white beauty is what makes people of African origin want to bleach their skin, which is detrimental to the kidneys because of the Mercury content. Also, an absurd fascination with the "European look" is what causes so many black women to straighten their hair. Anyone studying history will notice that African women were not trying to straighten their hair before they made contact with Europeans.

We have to create our own standard of beauty and see the value in ourselves. We also can not let anyone dictate to us what beauty is. It is imperative that we teach our children that there is beauty in their African features. Lucky magazine is part of the machine and they are doing their part, shame on them. People of color have to combat the mainstream media and teach their children the true knowledge of themselves. The sad deculturalization of African people continues.